Do You Relate to these Common Business Owner Struggles?

When we work with new clients, we spend a lot of time talking about their goals, needs, and existing concerns. Over and over, we hear these four phrases from entrepreneurs. Often times a strong strategic plan, paired with efficient solutions, is all a business owner needs to jumpstart and meet their goals.

Do you identify with these four common struggles? Read on to see the concerns other entrepreneurs face and how to best solve them!

“I’m growing like crazy but don’t know what to invest in next.”

The top reason businesses contact us is because they have grown their business rapidly and are quickly growing beyond their means.  They followed a passion, but may not necessarily have a background in business or finance and are now looking for help. They are ready to invest in their business and plan the growth to get to that next level. Instead of continuing to learn on the fly, they are ready to take a step back and be strategic in their goals and targets before going to the next phase.

P.S. Oftentimes, entrepreneurs without finance backgrounds feel embarrassed they don’t have solid financial plans. Do NOT be embarrassed! Most people have to learn this as they grow! Reach out to us or other consultants who can help empower you.

“I’m so busy and need more time back in my day.”

The second most common reason businesses reach out is because they are worn down by the day-to-day grind and could use some help (even if they don’t want to admit it). This goes hand-in-hand with growing too quickly. When someone expands a business fast, they often apply one-off solutions to make it work, but these manual processes were never meant to scale. It’s like putting bandaids on a problem when really you need to fit the underlying cause!

These entrepreneurs usually do not have enough hours in the day. The usual solution? We review all their manual processes that exist in the business today and come up with ways to implement systems, outsource time-consuming activities, and streamline processes (e.g. save money and time in areas that are inefficient today). 

“I want to be the best, beating out all the competition.”

The third most common reason people contact us is they want to be the best at what they do. These clients are rightfully obsessed with their customers, but could use an outside perspective to ensure they are the very best in their industry; or conversely, they might just need help prioritizing were to invest in from a branding / marketing perspective. 

The goal: every customer becomes a raving fan who promotes their business on their behalf.

If you can perfect the customer experience and build advocacy amongst your clients (which results in existing customers advertising on your behalf, for free), that can greatly enhance your brand, boost your profit margins, and reduce your marketing budget in the long-run.

“Without check-ins or someone ensuring I’m on the right path, I might not hold myself accountable.”

Our fourth most common request is customers who need accountability and check-ins to keep up the momentum. These clients are driven towards their long-term goals, but have so much going on that it can be overwhelming. Coaching and scheduled check-ins provide a space to review progress and actions needed to bring them closer to their goals.

The Solutions.

There’s no one solution to success. Typically the answer to our problems sit somewhere between strategy, discipline, and resiliency. Yet there are techniques and solutions that allow us to prioritize, save time, and build long-term success.

One idea is to hire a Business Strategist and Business Consultant! At Local Union, you work directly with one (or both) of the co-founders to create long-term success. It’s an investment that is results-driven and affordable!

Brent and Maggie have a diverse business background that covers most subjects but if we can’t help you, we always aim to find a referral partner who can better serve the request. 

Local Union provides a FREE initial consultation, so reach out today to set-up a time and see if there is anything we can help you with.


Your Four Career Boosters


The CEO Mindset: for Entrepreneurs